Mini-Lite Fogger


The Mini-Lite is light, affordable and handy, making it the ultimate portable vehicle-mounted ULV fogger sprayer. Designed for comfort and ease of use, this fogger produces adjustable flow rates to accommodate any indoor or outdoor spraying job. Built to aircraft tolerances to achieve lightweight, superior performance, the Mini-Lite can be easily mounted on a small open utility vehicle or portable cart for mosquito and fly control operations.

  • Portable, lightweight package
  • Easily mounted on SUV for mosquito and fly control
  • Lightweight design, one-person lift
  • Gasoline-powered engine

ULV/Mister  Light, affordable, handy, ULV application.

The ultimate in efficiency and convenience with comfort and ease of operation. Built to aircraft tolerances to achieve lightweight and superior performance in all applications. designed as a dual-purpose machine for indoor and outdoor use. The Mini-Lite Fogger can be quickly mounted on a small utility vehicle for mosquito and fly control.